IR code verzenden met MQTT via een knop
Ik ga er van uit dat je een werkende IR receiver/zender hebt, bijvoorbeeld deze Tasmota
En je hebt Home Assistant. Nu gaan we IR code verzenden!
Ga als eerste naar de Tasmota url en ga naar de console. Gebruik wel de IR versie van Tasmota, dan kun je meer codes verzenden.
Pak een afstandsbediening, bijvoorbeeld die van je radio en duw op een knop. Ik duw bijvoorbeeld op het cijfer “1” van mijn oude Onkyo receiver TX-SR508.
In de console zal iets verschijnen zoals
08:07:27.316 MQT: tele/tasmota_XXXXXX/RESULT = ‘{“Protocol”:”NEC”,”Bits”:32,”Data”:”0x4B40AB54″,”DataLSB”:”0xD202D52A”,”Repeat”:0}’
Het dikgedrukte hebt je nodig.
Home Assistant
Ga naar Home Assistant en maak op je gewenste plaatst een knop aan.
Tikactie wordt: service aanroepen
Service wordt: MQTT.publish
Topic is: cmnd/tasmota_XXXXXX/IRsend *je eigen Tasmota apparaat
Payload: {“IrReceived”:{“Protocol”:”NEC”,”Bits”:32,”Data”:”0x4B40AB54″,”DataLSB”:”0xD202D52A”,”Repeat”:0}}
Sla op.
type: button icon: mdi:numeric-1 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: ‘{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x4B40AB54","DataLSB":"0xD202D52A","Repeat":0}’ target: {} show_name: false
Klik erop en de IR code wordt verzonden.
Als het goed is staat in het Tasmota Console nu: 08:14:27.664 MQT: stat/tasmota_XXXXXX/RESULT = {“IRSend”:”Done”}
Zo kun je je domme radio op afstand met IR bedienen, of je TV, of een ventilator met afstandsbediening en zo verder!
Mijn volledige LoveLace code met IR codes
type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B350BF4}' target: {} name: tv/movie icon: mdi:television-ambient-light - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button icon: mdi:numeric-1 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: >- {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x4B40AB54","DataLSB":"0xD202D52A","Repeat":0} target: {} - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-4 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B401BE4}' target: {} show_name: false - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-7 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B40DB24}' target: {} show_name: false - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-10-box-multiple-outline icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4BB6A956}' target: {} show_name: false - type: vertical-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: >- {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B358B74,"DataLSB":"0xD2ACD12E"} target: {} name: music icon: mdi:music - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-2 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B406B94}' target: {} show_name: false - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-5 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B409B64}' target: {} show_name: false - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-8 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B403BC4}' target: {} show_name: false - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-0 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B407B84}' target: {} show_name: false - type: vertical-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: >- {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x4B354BB4","DataLSB":"0xD2ACD22D"} target: {} name: game icon: mdi:gamepad-outline - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-3 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B40EB14}' target: {} show_name: false - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-6 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B405BA4}' target: {} show_name: false - type: button icon: mdi:numeric-9 icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B40BB44}' target: {} show_name: false - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4BB6A05F}' target: {} name: receiver icon: mdi:led-variant-on - type: vertical-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: >- {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x4B3632CD","DataLSB":"0xD26C4CB3"} target: {} name: stereo icon: mdi:surround-sound - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: >- {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x4BB640BF","DataLSB":"0xD26D02FD"} target: {} name: stereo icon: mdi:volume-plus - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: >- {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x4BB6C03F","DataLSB":"0xD26D03FC"} target: {} icon: mdi:volume-minus - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: >- {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x4BB6A05F","DataLSB":"0xD26D05FA"} target: {} icon: mdi:volume-mute - show_name: true show_icon: false type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B3551AE}' target: {} name: Port - show_name: true show_icon: false type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4BB6F00F}' target: {} name: VCR/DVR - show_name: true show_icon: false type: button icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: call-service service: mqtt.publish data: topic: cmnd/tasmota_167EAE/IRsend payload: '{"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x4B3631CE}' target: {} name: BD/DVD
Maak je domme radio nog slimmer met deze AudioCast en Radio Browser.
Een nog mooiere LoveLance
Laat weten of het je is gelukt! Domoticz klik hier