Weather Radar Card

Weather Radar Card

4 oktober 2023 0 Door Ivo

Gebruik je Buienradar? Maar wil je iets anders? De Weather radar card is een mooi alternatief.

Weather radar card

HACS installatie

HACS weather cardZoek naar weather radar card en installeer deze, herlaad HA en maak een nieuwe kaart.


De weather kaart


type: 'custom:weather-radar-card'
frame_count: 10
center_latitude: -25.567607
center_longitude: 152.930597
marker_latitude: -26.175328
marker_longitude: 152.653189
show_marker: true
show_range: true
show_zoom: true
show_recenter: true
show_playback: true
zoom_level: 8

Pas de latitude en longitude aan aan jouw locatie.
Via de visuele editor kun je de radar of landschap veranderen.

Radar: data source

  • RainViewer-Original
  • RainViewer-UniversalBlue
  • RainViewer-TITAN
  • RainViewer-TWC
  • RainViewer-Meteored
  • RainViewer-NEXRAD
  • RainViewer-Rainbow
  • RainViewer-DarkSky

 Landschap stijl:

  • light
  • dark
  • voyager
  • satellite


De totale kaart opties:

Name Type Requirement Description Default
type string Required must be 'custom:weather-radar-card'
card_title string Optional The title to display on the card no title displayed
data_source string Optional Specifies whcih set of radar tiles to use 'RainViewer-Original' see section below for valid values
map_style string Optional Specifies the style for the map 'light' see section below for valid values
zoom_level number Optional The initial zoom level, can be from 4 to 10 7
center_latitude number Optional The initial center latitude of the map the location of your HA instance
center_longitude number Optional The initial center longitude of the map the location of your HA instance
marker_latitude number Optional The latitude for the home icon if enabled the same as center_latitude
marker_longitude number Optional The longitude for the home icon if enabled the same as center_longitude
frame_count number Optional The number of frames to use in the loop 10
frame_delay number Optional The number of milliseconds to show each frame 500
restart_delay number Optional The additional number of milliseconds to show the last frame 1000
static_map boolean Optional Set to true to disable all panning and zooming false
show_zoom boolean Optional Show the zoom controls in the top left corner false
square_map boolean Optional Will keep the map square (not in panel mode) false
show_marker boolean Optional Show the home icon at the marker position false
show_playback boolean Optional Show the playback controls in the bottom right toolbar false
show_recenter boolean Optional Show the re-center control in the bottom right toolbar false
show_scale boolean Optional Show a scale in the bottom left corner false
show_range boolean Optional Show range rings around marker position false
extra_labels boolean Optional Show more town labels (labels become smaller) false